Learn about diagnosis, testing, and key areas of support required…

Next week the federal Tick-Borne Disease Working Group (TBDWG) will meet online Monday 2/28 and Tuesday 3/1.
The Working Group will hear Public Comments at 10:10 and afterward will begin to hear presentations by each of the six subcommittees listed below. The TBDWG is in the process of working on its third and final Report to Congress, which is due in December.
Subcommittee presentations will include:
- Public Comments
- Changing Dynamics of Tick Ecology, Personal Protection and Control
- Diagnostics
- Disease Prevention and Treatment
- Access to Care and Treatment
- Clinical Presentation and Pathogenesis
TBCU CoFounder Dr. Jennifer Platt is a member of this year’s Working Group – she is working vigilantly to ensure that all voices are heard.
As always, you can share your input with the Working Group by emailing tickbornedisease@hhs.gov.
Yours truly,
Beth and Jennifer
Beth Carrison, INHC
CoFounder and Director of Advocacy
Jennifer Platt, DrPH
CoFounder and Director of Programs